Monday 23 April 2018

~how to hang a wall of baskets~

This is one of the easiest and least expensive ways to add texture and interest to any wall.
There really isn't a right or wrong way to do this.

Gather your baskets.
Look for ones with different shapes and textures. The colors do not have to match.
I found 98% of these baskets at a thrift store and the other two at HomeGoods.
The most expensive basket was $29.00 and the cheapest was 50 cents.
If I wasn't impatient, I wouldn't waited until I had found all of them at thrift stores, but I wanted this project complete. 

To hang them I simply hot glued on a piece of twine to the backside of each basket.
Then I used push pins to hang them from the wall in a random order.
You can lay them out on the floor first to get a good idea of what looks good where.

I also saw on Etsy you can buy whole sets of wall baskets!
Click here to see those options.
This was my inspiration for my dining room.

Let me know if you try this!


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