Tuesday 21 August 2018

~our pantry~one year later~

Back in 2017 I made over our pantry. You can read all about it here.
I wanted to share an update on how the shelving is working out for us.

Here are some things that over the last year I decided I cannot live without for pantry organization.

Here is why I love these so much.
Every inch counts. Don't take up extra shelf space, and utilize the walls!
These baskets hold paper products perfectly. I use the other one for recipes I rip out of magazines or print off the internet.
Love, love, love these.

These labels are very old school looking and I just love them. The whole machine is under $10 too, so that's a bonus! Buy extra label tape because I guarantee you are going to want to label everything with this easy label maker!

These jars keep everything fresh with their screw on aluminum lids. 

Weck jars come in all shapes and sizes and are great for nuts, chocolate chips, coffee beans, raisins, etc.
They are pretty and functional at the same time.

A pantry must have. 
Having matching, or very similar ones makes it look pretty too.
There's nothing worse than trying to keep bags of chips, boxes of pancake mix, etc. standing upright.
Baskets keep everything neatly together. 

I like to group items in different baskets.
One may contain kids snacks, the other protein bars.
The larger ones hold wine and boxes of almond and soy milk.
I have used a combination of these large baskets, along with these.

These are an inexpensive way to get the most vertical space out of your shelving.
I used them for canned goods.

These will keep your cereal fresher longer.

I hope you can take some of these tips and run with them!
Have fun organizing and prettying up your pantry.



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